Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2016

Someone else's notes

October 21, 2016

I was in Berlin last week for ELCE, and it was great. It was a nice mix of talks on many different subjects, and as always you come back with lots of new ideas and improved motivation.

As you know, I took some notes for Kernel Recipes 2016, and lots of people at ELCE told me they were glad to have read them. I have since updated the article with videos and LWN links for future readers.

Since I was recovering from attending dotGo on monday, and then flying to Berlin, I did not take notes at ELCE this year. But I stumbled during the conference on Arnout Vandecappelle, Buildroot contributor and fellow Embedded Engineer. He took great notes which he posted on his company's blog:

I attended a few of those talks, and I can tell you he did a great recap.

See you next year !
